Union Authorization Cards

Collecting signatures on union authorization cards is the first step a union must take to organize a group of employees. An authorization card is an initial expression of interest in the union. An authorization card is also a legally binding document between the individual who signs it and the union, whereby individuals give up their right to represent themselves with management and turn that right over to the union to represent them as part of a group.

What does it mean to turn over representation to the union for a group of associates?

In a union setting, there would be one contract that applies to all employees in the bargaining unit. A collective bargaining agreement is nothing more or less than a settlement of three sets of interests: the union’s, the employer’s, and the employees’. We all have individual preferences when it comes to our experience in the workplace. Some people care a lot about health insurance, some people care more about time off or retirement benefits, and some prefer more flexibility in their job. Sometimes those interests overlap. Sometimes they do not.

Union authorization cards may come in many forms, such as the index card example below. They can also be issued electronically in a text message, direct message, link to an online form or petition, etc. Unions are not required by law to identify what they may ask you to sign as an authorization card.

They sometimes use phrases like:

“This is just so I can send you more information.”

“Everyone has signed but you.”

“You have to sign this in order to be able to vote in the election.”

“Sign this and I will get you a big raise and free healthcare.”

None of these statements are legally accurate.

  The bottom line on authorization cards is:

  • You do not have to sign a card to be able to vote in the NLRB election.

  • If you do not sign, you can vote, and you can vote YES or NO to the union.

  • If you did sign a card, regardless of whether you knew what you were signing, you can vote in the election, and you can vote YES or NO to the union.