If the union calls a strike, would Glenstone have to agree to its proposal?
No, Glenstone has the right to accept or reject union proposals, and also has the right to continue operations during a strike.
What does it mean to strike?
A labor strike is an action in which a union and its members withhold labor from an employer in an attempt to force the employer to agree to union bargaining demands. Strikes are often accompanied by picket lines and disruption. While on strike, your pay stops, and you are responsible for paying the whole monthly premium to keep your health insurance going.
During a strike, Glenstone would have the right to continue its regular business operations, meaning that it could hire “permanent replacements.” After a strike is over, replacement workers are then offered first right of refusal for the position they have been working before a striking employee can come back to work.
When might the union call a strike?
Unions can generally call labor strikes if they are not getting their demands met in the course of negotiating a first contract with an employer. A strike is the strongest leverage a union can use to push an employer to agree to its proposals at the bargaining table. A union can ask associates to strike as soon as it is certified as the bargaining representative of the group – meaning, they will have the right to do this immediately after June 7, if the YES votes outweigh the NO votes.
How long do strikes last?
A strike has no set duration. Some strikes last one day, and some strikes last for over a year. There is no way of predicting how long a strike may last. Every situation is different.
If the union calls a strike, will I still get my pay and benefits?
While on strike, you do not get paid from your employer. And you are responsible for paying the whole monthly premium to keep your health insurance going. You would be entitled to COBRA benefits, but you have to pay the entire insurance premium without Glenstone’s contribution. Insurance coverage through COBRA is expensive.
If the union calls a strike, will I qualify for unemployment benefits?
In the State of Maryland, a striker is generally disqualified from collecting unemployment.
If the union calls a strike, can I continue to work?
Yes, you have the right to cross the picket line, but only if Glenstone decides to allow “crossovers” to come to work. However, the union may fine or penalize you for crossing the picket line.
If the union wins the election, will there be a strike?
There is no way to know for sure. Unions generally do not call strikes unless they feel it is needed to put pressure on an employer to agree to their proposals at the bargaining table.
When was the last time Local 639 called a strike?
In 2023, the Teamsters called a strike affecting 150 drivers for 27 days. According to publicly disclosed documents, the Teamsters paid out $0 in strike benefits to their members in 2023, which means the striking drivers received $0 from either their employer or the Teamsters.