Election Logistics

The NLRB will conduct the vote in person at Glenstone by secret ballot. Below are the details of the election:

  • Date & Time: The secret ballot election will take place on Thursday, June 6 and Friday, June 7. On both days there will be two opportunities to vote, between 7am–9am and 4pm–6pm. The election will be conducted in the Pavilions Library.

  • Who Can Vote: All full-time and regular part-time hourly paid employees employed by Glenstone at its facility currently located at 12100 Glen Road, Potomac, Maryland 20854. In order to vote, an associate must have been on the payroll as of May 11, 2024.

  • Who Will Be Present When You Vote: The election will be conducted by a representative from the National Labor Relations Board. Glenstone and the Teamsters are able to have an observer present, who are usually eligible voters. The observers are present to confirm a potential voter’s employment status with Glenstone before the NLRB agent hands them a ballot. None of the individuals present will be able to see how you vote.

Who Can't Vote: All salaried employees, seasonal employees, associates in the IT, HR, Security, and Library/Archives departments, managers and supervisors.


  • Each ballot will have one question: Do you wish to be represented for purposes of collective bargaining by Drivers, Chauffeurs and Helpers, Local Union No. 639 A/W International Brotherhood of Teamsters?”

  • If you want to be represented by the union, simply write an “X” in the box labeled YES.

  • If you do not want to be represented by the union, simply write an “X” in the box labeled NO.

Then, fold your ballot and place it in the ballot box.

Do not write anything on the ballot other than marking “X” in the box of your choice. If any other marks or comments are on the ballot, the NLRB agent will not count your ballot in the election.

  • Voting is quick, easy and secret. Please exercise your right to vote. A simple majority of those who actually appear and vote determines the election result, either in favor of or against the Teamsters. Not voting does not mean a NO or a YES vote to the union; it means that your voice is not heard.

  • Counting the Vote: The NLRB agent will open all ballots and count them immediately following closure of the voting period at 6:00pm on June 7. The result will be determined by the simple majority of votes cast in the election.

If you want to be represented by the union, simply place an “X” in the box labeled YES.

If you do not want to be represented by the union, simply write an “X” in the box labeled NO.